Sonntag, 16. September 2007

about photography

“I see something that you don’t see”. This is the first thought that comes to my mind when I want to express my point of view toward photography.

By taking pictures, I give other people the opportunity to have a look through my eyes, which doesn’t mean that this relates to a factual truth. Photography is always a subjective perception of moments, feelings and thoughts that I want to express. This is not about catching memories and bringing them onto a piece of paper. I rather try to create photographs which occupy the viewer longer than a short moment than just pushing the trigger thougtlessly.

I’m interested in photographs which deal with a certain question and through which feelings and thoughts arise. Here series of pictures about a specific topic are of most interest for me. Not only a single picture is of importance, but an amount of pictures and, primarily, the way they can be put together like a puzzle and then can be interpreted.
My pictures deal with topics of social criticism and, most ususally, with an individual view on our every day life.

I rarely know the names of photographers, or artists, when I catch up one of them. Until now, I didn’t study the lifes and works of certain artists in a strict way. I pay most attention to the pictures themselves and to the way they cause me to produce pictures on my own. I get inspiration from artists who are not well known and to who photography is a hobby as well as from famous artists.

Photography has trained my view and consciousness. I walk through the streets with my eyes wide open and curios to discover new and unknown things.

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